Life Planning 5 Minutes

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Attitudes of High Achievers

"The Six Attitude of High Achievers" 

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-John R. Noe 

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers" 

High Achievers...

1. Make no small plans 

What this means is that, you make plans for yourself but big plans that will make your future a better future. You have to challenge yourself to make bigger plans. By what this means as well is that where will small plans take you along your future? For example, if you just say I will graduate high school and go get a regular job, that's making small plans. You should always make big plans. For example, a big plan is saying, I will go to one of the best colleges and I will be a great doctor,

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work."
-Daniel Burnham 

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2. Do what they fear

"People tend to fear what they do not know, and what they fear they dislike."

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3. Are Willing to Prepare

People that are willing to prepare will go through any obstacle. People who want to prepare will keep trying no matter how hard it gets. If you want to prepare you won't give up no matter how hard it gets. If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. What this means is that you will prepare and you will see a change later on when you have achieved it.  learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete, or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win—if you don't, you won't." What Bruce meant by this quote is that if you prepare well then everything will be successful.

"Everyone wants to win, but not everyone is willing to prepare to win."
-Bobby Knight 

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4. Are willing to risk failure

If you are one who is not willing to fail in a particular area of life, you will make sure that you have no opportunities to fail.  The keywords in there being “no opportunities.”  Security will always have the drawback of closing doors.  Let’s see what avoiding failure looks like in three universally important areas. The difference between being willing to fail and unwilling to fail is taking risks. You may try and fail 1,000 times that is why we try and fail and then at the end we end up succeeding. Do not focus on whether to avoid failure or not.  Rather, focus on accepting failure as a part of trying.  If you have this mindset and can handle failure when it comes, the world is wide open to you and you can pursue your dreams. You always have to take risk on a daily bases so you can succeed with what your goal is. Take risk all the time you never know what type of adventure you might have.

"You must be willing to risk failure, to experience true success." 

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5. Are teachable

What "are teachable" means is that, those people who are successful and pay attention everywhere and on everything they can share that knowledge that they know to others. Thee keyword is "teach" which means to share what you know to other kids or adults that don't know it yet. Teach can also relate to teachers because teachers teach obviously. Sharing your knowledge with others can help them and also help you. It could help them and you because you learn things that you probably didn't know about. Kids, adults, and you share what you know and sometimes you even learn new things. Being teachable is great because you feel good about yourself because you are helping others be successful as you are or were. True leaders are teachable. To be teachable can also mean that, you have the mindset of a lone-live learner. You are consistently open to learning from anyone at any time on any topic. There is no way to escape the fact that being teachable is foundational to spiritual growth and character development in all areas of or walk.

"What I believe is that all cleared-minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes:curious and teachable". 
-Roger Ebert 

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6. Have heart

Having heart can mean so many things to people. You have to put your heart, mind, and soul even to the smallest thing that you can think of. That could be your secret for success or succeeding. If you put your heart into everything and you love what you are doing or what it's becoming of it that means you have put your heart, mind, and soul into it and it's successful. Having heart can also mean that you help the people in need or you help others when they need help. For example let's say a little kid in need comes up to you and asks you for food, if you have heart you will give that little kid food. Some people only have heart when they feel like it and it shouldn't be like that. Everyone should have heart at all time. Having heart shows a lot of characteristics about you. Sometimes what people only care about is how caring and loveable you are. Caring and being loveable comes from your heart. Having heart can also mean a lot to yourself as well because you want people to treat you the same way you treat them which is a good way right? Always have heart and never be cold hearted. Being cold hearted and not caring at all can make you such a negative person and people sure do not like negative people. Wherever you go, go with your heart and always smile because everyone deserves to smile every second of their lives. The seat of knowledge is in the head, of wisdom, in the heart.

"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded". 
-Maya Angelou 

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Final Reflection

This six attitude of achievers can relate to me. They can relate to me because I believe or think that I have all these six attitude of high achievers. I think that I don't make small plans, I do what others fear, I am willing to prepare, I risk it even if I know I might fail, when I know something others don't I am willing to teach them, and I have heart. All these six attitudes can help you be successful. They can help you be successful because these might be obstacles to having an amazing career. The sixth attitude of high achievers is really important. It's really important because everyone looks for a heart. Which means that everyone looks for someone that has a good heart and that are willing to help. The fourth attitude of six achievers is also important because you always have to be willing to risk failure. Something might not always come out good at the first try and you might fail. But maybe at the second try you will get it because you have to be willing to risk failure if it's something that you just learned. Not everything will come out perfect the first try. I commit myself to all of these six attitudes of high achievers. I commit to these because I know that if I use these attitudes I will be really successful in my career and in life, 

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