Life Planning 5 Minutes

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness

1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself) 
“From self-love to self-worth

The first ten seeds of greatness is trying to say that, you should always be confident and believe in yourself. You should always be proud of the work that you have done on your own or with others as well. You should love yourself first then you will see how much you are really worth. Before we could give love to anyone else you need to give love to yourself and love yourself more than anything. We need to over come our fears to be able to conquer our goals and be successful. When we see ourselves & others as valuable & worthwhile it is the basis of our ability to love others and achieve things worthwhile. If we don't separate ourselves from who we are to what we do, then we will have a bad self of esteem. These seeds want you to push yourself to setting higher goals for yourself. There are many reasons for these seeds of greatness. In seeds of greatness Denis wants to show you how to nurture the greatness that you have and believe that you have so you could accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself. An example that I have for this is, if you believe that your work is great and that you will get a good grade or score then you are appreciating the values of yourself and having self love and self worth. I will apply this to my daily life by always having a god self-esteem and never putting myself down. 

"What you think of  yourself is much more important than what people think of you." 

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2. The Seed of Creativity “Releasing your creative energy"

Creativity means so many thing because you have your own ideas. But it means that you use your knowledge to create something that you come up with on your own or with someone else. When we were born, we were a blank canvas – no pictures, no story, no dialogue. As we grew, we accepted the stories, the dialogue & other things that others were giving us, and our self image grew with us. If we were nourished & nurtured, our self image grew with happiness & success. If we were neglected or abused, we have probably struggled with unhappiness & low achievement our whole life. We become conditioned to the input we receive from our families, friends, & teachers, so we need to get creative and make a new pattern for our life, where we actively visualize what we want, and in effect  create our own future. How we picture ourselves will determine how the story of our life unfolds. Visualizing living in the future you want, tells your mind that we are there now and it adapts your thinking to that scenario. Examples of being creative is when you need new ideas for a school project, your work, or anything that requires you to have knowledge. I will apply this seed to my daily life by being more creative and believing that I could build or do whatever I desire or come up in my head.   

"Release and regulate the flow of your inborn creative energy to reach your artistic potential." 
-Nita Leland 

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3. The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."

Responsibility has many definitions but one definition is when you take fault for something that you did wrong. Or it could also mean that you do what you were told to do on time. Responsibility takes courage and knowledge so it could be accepted. Not everyone will always be responsible and take fault for something bad they did. Only a few people take responsibility and actually own up to it. Some examples of responsibility can be when you are doing a team project and they assign you a part. You are responsible to finish that part on time and turn it in or share it with your team. Some people just don't care at all and they don't take any responsibility all they do is act like they don't care. Taking responsibility should always be the number one thing that you keep in mind. Once you let someone down just because you weren't responsible then they will loose all the trust they had on you, but in the other hand some people give you second chances and you have to be more responsible for that. Everywhere you go you will need to be responsible in your job, at school, etc. Some people don't take this serious because they still want to act immature or like little kids. Some people don't take responsibility because they think they are cool just because of their friends. But to me it is just being immature. I will apply this to my daily life by always being responsible even if the situation gets hard. If it gets hard I will ask for help.   
"You are free to do whatever you want, but you should always take responsibility for the consequences of your choices in life." 

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4. The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."

Wisdom means, the quality of being experienced, knowledge, and good judgment which comes all together of you being wise. This seed of wisdom is trying to say that, he is trying to combine honesty and knowledge. He says that living according to our spiritual convictions, our integrity and our social conscience allows us to be true to ourselves and respect others. He suggests an interesting exercise to allow ourselves some reflection and improvement: to think what we would do if we had our lives to live over again. He lists steps toward wisdom: Continue learning. Classes, courses etc. Use dictionary to look up and learn new words. Read lots. Increase vocabulary. Take aptitude test. Question your honesty in all things. Encourage your children/others to develop natural gifting. Think, say and do what you believe is true in all situations. Model yourself after people you respect and admire. Never let your guard down because if you let your guard down then you let yourself down. Even if you fail at it during the first trial then keep trying and be more wise the next time you try it again. Using wisdom in your life could be challenging because things or people never actually stay they end up leaving eventually. I will apply this seed to my daily life by always being wise and never letting my guard down. Especially not letting people bring me down when I know I could do it.  
"Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living." 

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5. The Seed of Purpose"The gold mine in your goals."

Goal setting is the instrument to living with purpose if we fail to set goals, we fail to achieve any. Once goals are set we need to say affirmations, and to follow ten action steps to achieve them: Set short term goals. Set goals just out of reach but not out of sight. Get group reinforcement. Establish a reward/celebration for when goal is met. New Year – put goals in envelope. Open next New Year. Set new goals again. Use calendar/diary to track goals. Use calendar/diary to set time frames for upcoming goals. Check master list of goals daily. Don’t share goals with negative people. Look for encouragement. Pay yourself each month and save some money for the future. These goals are for people to have purpose and continue with life. Some people make plans about their lives so they could wake up and continue with life. Some people may fail but they don't give up because they see a purpose that they will accomplish what they believe in. If you don'y have any purpose then what are you really here for? Everyone has a purpose. An example of purpose is when, you get up on stage and you know what you are doing. You know that the things that you are about to say will give you purpose and other people as well. I will apply this to my daily life by not giving up and always seeing a purpose at the end of the tunnel.  

"If you are not working with purpose, you're doing it wrong." 

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6. The Seed of Communication''Reach out and touch someone.''

Two most important aspects of communication are empathy and love. We should walk in another’s shoes before we criticize or pass judgment. Demonstrating value for and looking for the good in others builds confidence in communication. Ten steps to better communication are: It’s never too late. Don’t wait. Don’t leave a void that can be filled with rumor or misrepresentation. Empathy doesn’t assume. Put yourself in others’ shoes. When listening, take responsibility for hearing. When speaking take responsibility for conveying message.  Look at yourself through other people’s eyes. What do they see?  Listen for truth, speak the truth. Check validity of information.  Be open-minded. Consider without prejudice. Then research and test integrity.  See positive and negative side of issues. Pursue the positive.  Check that you shift roles to cater to communication needs of different people. e.g. business partner, spouse, friend, parent. Who are you communicating with?  A touch is worth a thousand words.A hug, shoulder rub, arm pat can mean a great deal.Some examples of communication is when you have to do a project with your group.You have to communicate with each other to make sure that you guys are on the same page. Another example is when someone does something wrong you need to communicate with them and let them know what they did wrong or what they did wasn't right. By communicating you get your voice heard and that's what matters because every ones voice should be heard. I will apply this to my daily by reaching out to people and helping them if they need help or even if I need help. 

"The art of communication is the language of leadership." 

-James Humes  

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                 7. The Seed of Faith“The power of positive believing

 Whitley defines faith as the promise of the realization of things hoped for and unseen, and despair as the premonition of our deepest fears and unseen darkness. As life is a self-fulfilling prophecy (you don’t necessarily get what you want in life, but guaranteed, you will get what you expect!), it’s up to us to choose faith and hope, or despair and fear. His ten steps to optimism or faith are: Fly with the eagles. Live with optimism and realism If ever depressed visit a children’s hospital, a retirement home, a burns unit or an orphanage. If that doesn’t help, try the opposite – visit a playground or park where children are playing. Listen to upbeat, inspiring music. Change vocabulary from negative to positive. Realize change is OK, although sometimes unfamiliar, unexpected and vulnerable. Get high on endorphin's. Think positive thoughts with the only side effect being happiness. Enjoy positive recreation and education. Visualize, think and speak well of your health. Use positive self talk on a daily basis. Call, visit or write to someone in need every day. Attend church on a Sunday. Parents note that studies on drug abuse among teenagers reveal that those NOT using drugs have a religious belief, have (extended) family relationships, and high self esteem. I will apply this to my daily life by always having faith on the things that I believe in. 

"faith its all about believing. You don't know how it will happen. But you know it will."

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8. The Seed of Adaptability
“Turning problems into opportunities”

The author says that “the good old days are here and now. In reality we can always find the worst of times and the best of times. It all depends on what we’re looking for.” His ten steps for adaptability are: Examine your sense of humor. Laugh at yourself. Take responsibility for your emotions. Say “I feel angry.” instead of “You make me angry.” If upset, wait until adrenaline is released before talking to person involved. Address behavior. Don’t criticize the person. Arguments are not won. Agreements are won. Change is inevitable and normal. Accept it. Don’t engage in “all or nothing” situations. Salvage what good you can. Let other people take responsibility for their behavior. Learn to say “no” to commitments when you already have a full calendar. Simplify your life. Focus on your purpose. Engage in recreational activities. Some examples of adaptability is when you move to a new city or state you have to get use to your new neighborhood. I will apply this to my daily life by getting use to things that are changing such as my surroundings etc. 

"Adaptability is being able to adjust to any situation at any given time." 
-John Wooden 

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9. The Seed of Perseverance“The will to win is everything”

The seed of perseverance is the test of faith, and that’s why winners who believe in themselves work at doing things most people are not willing to do. They press on and never give up their dream. The ten steps to perseverance are: Do high priority work first. Important gets priority over urgent/busy. Concentrate time and energy on 20% that provides 80% return. Anticipate short term drop in productivity when you make life changes. If you fail, get up. Fail again, get up again. Associate regularly with people who have similar goals. At a dead end? Take a renewal break. Regroup, refresh. Always expect the unexpected. Specialize before you diversify. Look at problems honestly and logically. Do more than asked, contribute more than required. Some examples of perseverance is when you want to give up just because it gets hard. But you shouldn't give up you should keep on going and going no matter how hard the situation is. You will persevere at the end of the day or how long it takes but you will move forward if you keep on trying. I will apply this to my daily life by not giving up and always try to move forward. 

"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." 
-Samuel Johnson 

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"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." (Calvin Coolidge)

10. The Seed of Perspective
“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

The author makes us ask ourselves: “Are we running to or from our fulfillment?” We should look at why are we doing the things we are doing, and are we doing the things that count? We should look where we stand in each of the following areas: mental, social, spiritual, physical, family, financial, professional, community support – and see if we are balanced in all areas, or we need to work on some on them. Perspective means how you see or view certain things. Everyone seems to see things in a very different way because everyone has their own ideas. Sometimes people may fight over how things look or how they're suppose to look. That is only because things aren't the same in their eyes or in their minds. But having different perspectives from just one thing brings many ideas to mind. An example of perceptiveness is when you see something nice and someone else thinks it's horrible. That's another persons perspective because they are not like you. Everyone has their own thoughts, comments etc. I will apply this seed to my daily life by, always taking others thoughts under consideration. Also by trying to see things in other peoples eyes just to see if the idea is not so bad.  

"The right perspective makes the impossible possible." 

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Final Reflection:
 Write an overall final reflection in your Ten Seeds of Greatness post.  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the ten seeds of greatness.

My deepest thoughts about the Ten Seeds of Greatness are that, I will take all of these ten seeds of greatness under consideration. Also I will try to get my classmate Priscila to apply these ten seeds of greatness to her daily life. So she could become a better person. The ten seeds of greatness may be keys to success. These may be the keys to success because if you follow every single one of the seeds you will be a better person. You will reach your goals and you will be a very successful person. I commit to these ten seeds of greatness. I want to commit to these seeds of greatness because I want to be successful later on and even right now.

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