Life Planning 5 Minutes

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

Computer Science 

                                     The things that I liked about this class were that, I learned how to do headings, paragraphs, links etc. This things were really fascinating and interesting to learn. What I also liked about this class were the sharings that we would do with our partners. The last thing I liked was how we would always do our projects or assignments of how to become a better person etc. 

                         The things that I didn't like about this class were that we had to do certain assignments for a couple of days or weeks. However they were fun but at a point it would get boring. It would get boring because you were learning about the same person and they're lessons would sometimes be boring. 

                         I would recommend for the people to not be rude and always follow directions. I would recommend this because some people actually want to learn and others are stopping them from learning things they want to learn. In general you just have to be respectful and always listen closely to what the teacher is saying. 

                         The highlight for me in this class would be the videos Mr. Haymore would show us and how he would explain to us the video and sometimes he would give us examples of what the video was stating. They were great examples about being a ctr student at all times even outside the school. 

                         I believe that I did do my best in this class. I believe this because I earned almost an A in this class. There were a few moments where I didn't feel like coming so I didn't come and that made me fail. But I encouraged myself to come to school and to class so I could pick up my grade. I accomplished my goal because I had an F and now I have a B its only 2% away from an A but I did try my best and I pushed myself. 

                          I am reading and writing in my life planning journal and sharpen the saw section. There are some points that I forget to read and write on my life planning journal because I get really busy and I forget that I have to do my life planning journal. 

                          I think that I am committed to being a CTR person and seeking personal development. I think that I am committed because I am always choosing the right choices and I am always thinking them through just in case if I have second thoughts about the choice I am about to make. I seek personal development because I'm really personal but when I need help I go out and look for it I just don't stay there and not do anything.    

CTR is The Best Life

Friday, December 9, 2016

Medical School

Harvard Medical School 

Name and Location: Harvard Medical School (Boston, Massachusetts) 

Admissions Requirements: All applicants to the DMD program must at least earn a bachelor's degree by the time of enrollment. All prerequisite courses must be completed by the time of matriculation. Candidates are required to take the following courses to be considered for admission: 1 semester of biochemistry, 2 years of biology, 2 years of inorganic or general chemistry, 2 years of organic chemistry, 2 years of physics, 2 years of english, 1 or 2 years of calculus I, II, 1 or 0 years of statistics, cell biology is recommended, and microbiology is also recommended.   

Tuition: The application fee at Harvard is $100. Its tuition full-time: $55,850. There are three components of financial aid which are: stipend, a tuition, and fees. Students are supported their first two years of medical school by BSDM. Beginning in their third year, the Dissertation Advisor funds the student’s stipend and fees; BSDM funds the student’s tuition. For years 5 and beyond, the Dissertation Advisor funds all student expenses: stipend, tuition, and fees. 

Degrees Offered: They have a combined degree program that offers you the following degrees: MD/PhD, MD/MBA, MD/MPH, and MD/MPP. But it all depends on what type of medical field you want to work on. 

Areas of Study and Specialization: There are a total of 50 areas of study and specialization. Some of these studies are, credit for special programs, office for research subject projection, dental medicine, and health services.   

Image result for harvard medical school

Reflection: Would you like to attend here? Why? Why not? 
I would like to attend this school because when I grow up I want to study to be a physician and a surgeon. This medical school of harvard studies on surgeries and physicians so it's a perfect fit for me. But then I do not know because I have a scholarship for UCLA and Cal State Northridge. These two schools are two of the best schools out there. I really don't know what school I would attend right now. I need to do a lot of thinking. But Harvard Medical School is also a really good school so I would probably attend to this school as well if I get accepted. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power

The 10 Keys to Personal Power 

Brian Tracy

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Key 1: Clarity 
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do." 

What key number one means is that, you need to plan your future even though they are just small goals. You need to sit down with yourself and talk about what you want to do when you get older and it's something that you love or that interest you. You can have anything you like if you have clear goals for yourself. It is easy to make decisions if you know what you want. Write down your goals. Write them down very specifically and clearly. Speak with clarity to yourself and to the people who ask you about your future. If you want to reach your dreams then you need to have dreams so you can be able to achieve them and have a clear vision of what you want to be.You need to have cofidence in yourself so you can accomplish the goals that you have set for later on. Believe in yourself and all that you are worth. Know that there is something greater in you than any obstacle that you cannot get pass through.Learn to work harder on yourself. I will apply this key to myself by, writing down on my goals journal daily and keep dreaming about what I want to do when I grow up or what I want later on in my future. 

"My main goal every day is to be happy. No matter what trials I face, no matter how old I get. Happiness is the key to all things great." 

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Key 2: Competence 
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Key number two is an important key that one should always keep in mind. It advises you to work hard and strive yourself for the very best. It also encourages you to be committed into doing your work. Not to settle down and procrastinate. For the reason being that if you work hard your mind, body, and soul you will find yourself to become a very successful person. So do your work, get better at what needs to be improved. However, if you do not work hard enough on something then you will never become good at that. If you do not become at it then you will be choosing the right. So that you can choose the right you should work hard at something so you will become better at it and be choosing the right. Nonetheless, strive for excellency to allow opportunities to come your way. Or to allow other door's along your way to open for a new opportunity. This key number two i will follow by being committed to doing my work. Doing things right and choosing to do the right. I will also apply this to my daily life routine by completing what needs to be done because one should never settle for less but strive for the best. It is the one can become success for long run in their future.

"Bravery and courage is walking into pain and knowing that something better is on the other side." 
-Kanye West

Image result for "If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Key 3: Concentration 
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."

Key number three is trying to say that, to always make wise choices and concentrate on them. Ask questions so you know that it's right for you and the time you are going to put in it. Concentration is a very powerful key to personal power. Concentration can help you succeed in life and become a better person. Have the ability to set priorities. Completion of each task. If you concentrate you will finish each job that you start. Key number three is something one must always follow before they get lost into not knowing what to do. It advice's someone to stay focus rather than not to. It also shows examples as to how they can. One of the examples,  is by asking yourself if you're using your time wisely? Another is if your taking advantage of your time?" So whenever you're given a duty to complete ask yourself that very same question before you find yourself wrapped around a bundle of nothing. It will only take away the use of time and stop you from completing a task. So i strongly encourage you to stay concentrated to make the best of your time. I will apply this key number three by staying focused throughout the time when i have to complete a task or assignment. Also by staying focus and avoiding procrastination.

"Once you have a clear picture of your priorities that is values, goals, and high leverage activities organize them around." 
-Stephen Covey

Key 4: Common Sense 
Train your mind
think things through
listen to your intuition
learn from setbacks

What key number four is trying to state is that, to always have common sense. What this means is that whenever you are going to do something to make sure that you really think it through. Actions without thinking is the reason of failing. Your intuition is the best thing you will ever have. Learn from your setbacks.  Ask yourself “What is the valuable lesson I can learn from this experience?” Common sense is something that we as humans have; we have the capability of making the right decisions as well as the wrong ones. It is up to us to make the right choices because it is our life. Even if all of our friends are doing something and its bad you have the right to choose if you want to participate as well. We need to train our mind to make the right decisions, even if we make a few wrong ones that is okay because we can learn from them, a few setbacks never hurt, they teach us good life lessons. When we are faced with a challenge and don’t know what to do we need to just take some time and think things through. In some occasions you might not know what to do, when this happens you should just listen to your intuition, something we instantly know something is wrong, this is when we should follow our intuition. I think that this statement is trying to tell us that we have to have common sense in order so succeed in life.I believe that common sense is something truly important that one should always have. When one  has common sense one is able to think through stuff before one does something. When one has common sense it shows how you are a person who listens to others thoroughly. When one has common sense one is able to understand and perceive things easily. People who do not have common sense actually do bad with most things they do.

"Most people have a tremendous amount of common sense because they haven't used it yet." 
-Charlie Jarvis 

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Key 5: Creativity 
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask most questions."

What this key is trying to tell us is that you become a genius if you ask questions it makes you smarter and make you understand things better. If you don’t ask questions you won’t know the answer to whatever you are wondering. Creativity is the use of the imagination or ideas. For example, we can use creativity by raising your hand after a lecture to ask your teacher on information you did not understand. This will help you because then you won't have to wonder what you didn't understand and also help students that may had the same question as you did. Creativity can help us in the short and long run because then you can share the information you have with others. I will apply this key number five by asking questions whenever I don't understand something. I will also apply this by asking further questions about the topic to know what happens after the topic is finished. Flexibility and persistence make up creativity. The creative process is that it's okay to not know what you are doing.

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." 
-Joseph Chilton Pearce 

 Image result for key 5: Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask most questions

Key 6: Consideration 
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc.:
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."

What key number 6 is trying to say is that, everyday you learn and if you take people's options under consideration then you will have a good relationship with them because they will feel that their opinion matters to you. You just don't have to think about yourself because there are others around you also. If you only think about yourself then that is being selfish. The act of showing consideration could open more and more doors for you. The more words you learn and know you will make your world much better and wise. Practice the golden rule, "you'll get out of life, what you put into it." Things determine your consideration, relationships determine success, and people skills. There is more things in life than just yourself. Every decision you make has to be precise because one mistake can lead to someones misery. If you fail then you won't be happy and you won't make others happy either. That is why you should always use consideration to show respect or concern for others people's needs. Don't just listen to what you think you should do you should talk to people and see what they also have to say about the choices that you are about to make. I will apply key number 6 to my daily life by taking other people under consideration and not just think about what I believe is right. I will seek for more options and choose which one looks better. I believe that I apply this key already because sometimes I take people's consideration and sometimes I just go with what I want and I just think about myself.

"A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference." 

Image result for "The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."  "Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc.: "If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."

Key7: Consistency 

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it."

Key 7 is trying to state that, consistency is what matters not if you only do it once. For example if you work out once you won't lose or gain any weight but if you do it consistently then you will lose weight or even gain weight because you are building up muscle. They key to successful completion of any major project in life whether if be personal or professional is consistency. Just be a steady person. You don't have to be a genius. Nobody is better than you or I. They are just doing the things in different ways because we have different thinking on how we see the subject or problem. Guard your integrity as a sacred thing. Never compromise your peace of mind. Don't stay in relationships, jobs, etc. if it's going to compromise your peace of mind. You'll never be dependable on a work which is superior, consistency in relationships, guard your integrity, and consistency in personal development. I will apply this key to my personal life by, being consistent on my relationships with my family and others as well.

"We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day." 
Richard G. Scott 

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Key 8: Commitment 
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself who heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."

Commitment is everything in life because it shows how determined you are. If you are fully committed to what you want to do in life you will be successful. Commitment is the state of being bound-emotionally, intellectually, or both-to a particular person or course of action. Commitment starts with a choice and its sustained by dedication and perseverance. Commitment is active – it is expressed and realized in our thoughts and actions. Commitment is more than just obligation it is a giving of ourselves, sometimes at high personal cost or risk, to a person or purpose that we find worthy of that gift. Like other forms of giving, commitment can produce some of life’s greatest satisfaction. Commitment means a lot to people. If you ever don't stay committed to what you say you are committed to then you might lose a friend or even a family member because they will be disappointed in a commitment that you gave up on. Commitment leads you to success and creates your future. Being successful doesn't only mean something to you, other people care about you being successful as well. Stay committed that you will be successful in life and your career.

"My number one commitment to my close friends is to offer the truth as best as I can perceive it and as best as I convey it. I owe this at the cost of the friendship, itself because a friend is more important than a friendship." 
-Alan Robert Neal 

Image result for No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself who heartily is the basis of achieving all success.

Key 9: Courage 

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

To have courage means that you are willing to do anything that you desire with no fear. You are not afraid of failing, you are prepared for whatever is going to happen next. If you are afraid to fail then you will never try to do new things and will not end up being successful.  The people who are successful are the people who try new things.Courageous people are not afraid, they just face their fears.Fear and courage tend to be habits.If you’re afraid and you back away, you’ll form a habit of always backing away.If you’re afraid and you face your fear, you’ll form a habit of facing your fear and your fears will go away.Always move forward.  Don’t stay still and play it safe.There is no security in life, only opportunity.  The more you seek opportunity, the more security you’ll have.  The tend to seek security, is the low road to failure.If you are not at least a little bit afraid 4-5 times a day, you’re not moving forward.The fear of failure, is the single greatest reason for failure in life.The fear of failure can be counteracted by facing the fear.Persist in the face of adversity.Wait until things to completly the worst.  THen it’s the person that picks themselves up and says, “nothing is going to stop me”Develop the quality of being unstoppable.Make the decision that you can be tired, you can be worn out, but nothing will ever stop you.

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow." 

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Key 10: Confidence 

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

Confidence is key to success without it you will never always fail. Confidence gives you the courage to do many things. Confidence is the driving force to personal power and building a successful and fulfilled life. When you have confidence and you feel you don’t feel as bad as not trying because you know you did your best and you would not have changed anything if you got another chance.You have to build confidence upon yourself because confidence doesn't come right away it takes time. Some people don't really have confidence which means that they probably have a low self esteem. Confidence takes time because you learn new things and you meet new people which means that you probably will be shy and learning new things could be hard to remember because it takes confidence and time to say I will learn it and at the end you'll have confidence and say I learned it. It's like they say "confidence is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets." Your confidence level should always be high because that's what others look for in a person. When you don't have confidence people know because either you get nervous or mess up on what you are doing. Self confidence is like a power because once you start believing in yourself successful things start happening in your life.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined." 

 Image result for confidence

Write a final all-encompassing reflection about the 10 Keys to Personal Power.
1) How can they benefit you?
2) Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life?
3) How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans?

The 10 Keys to Personal Power could benefit me because I could use all these keys daily to be a better person. All these keys just show that you could become a better person if you try your best at all times. I think that I am applying all these 10 keys to my life. I think this because I've become a better person within time. I believe that I have clarity, competence, concentration, common sense, creativity, consideration, consistency, commitment, courage, and confidence. I remember when I didn't have these at all. But with time I started to believe in myself and thought to myself that I could be a really successful person if I just think positive not negative. I will incorporate these keys to my Life Planning plans by writing down more positive goals and try to achieve them day by day. I believe that Life Planning could take you to being a successful person later on in life.  

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Character and Personality 

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Stephen R. Covey talks about how character and personality is everything in life. Something that he said was that a mother came in talking to a guy telling him to encourage her son to stop eating sugar. The guy said I will just wait a week. So the mother waited a week and after a week her son stopped eating sugar. The lady asked him why did he talk to him after a week? all he said was because he was eating sugars as well. This guy was having character and personality because he couldn't tell a kid to stop eating sugar when he was doing the same thing. If he would of done that then he would have been a hypocrite and it would make him look bad if someone found out what he did. It's like the iceberg on the top where you could see the tips it's the personality and the bottom where you cannot see anything it's the character. People get to know you at first and they try to find out what type of personality they have or you have. The character is yourself and your personality is whatever seems to come out of your mouth. Your personality has to do with positive mental thinking, people skills, and win-win mindset. Your character has to do with beliefs and values, effective living, and the golden rule. The golden rule or law is reciprocity is the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated oneself. It is a maxim of altruism seen in many human religions and human cultures. It's what they say, when you choose your friends, don't be short changed by choosing personality over character.