Life Planning 5 Minutes

Monday, October 24, 2016

Freelance Post

Sunday Night

What I did on Sunday was wake up early with my sister so we could attend the AIDS walk. The AIDS walk lasted about two hours. It was such a good experience. It was a good experience because we got to meet new people from different cities and even countries. We got to meet people who like the same sex and it was really nice. We walked a total of nine miles in just two hours. Bu there was one thing that everyone didn't like. There was a group of people protesting that being homosexual is against the law. They were screaming and yelling at the people who liked the same sex. There was even a guy that got really mad and just went off on them. At the end of the finish line the people who organized this walk were giving drinks away and other treats. After that we finished me and my sister went to Little Tokyo to The Chocolate Chair to eat some ice cream. The ice cream was pretty cool and it taste like fruit loops. The ice cream has nitrogen so when it's put in your mouth smoke comes out. Well overall my day was great me and my sister had a great bonding day with each other and others that we met along the walk. 

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Remembering Names

How to Remember Names

  1. Commit. Begin by making a commitment — a conscious decision — to remember people's names. 
  2. Concentrate. You can only remember what you observe in the first place. 
  3. Repeat. Repetition helps engrave the name in your memory.
  4. Associate.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Re Re


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Something that fascinates me the most would have to be Rihanna. Her actual name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. She’s having her anti world tour already. Her most recent album that came out was Anti. It was released on January 28. She’s coming here on May 3rd and May 4th. Rihanna is 28 years old. She was born in February 20,1988. Her career began in 2003, She was discovered in her home country, which is Barbados, by an American record producer Evan Rogers. Her first album release was in 2005 and is known for her songs “Umbrella,” Pon de Replay,” “SOS” and “Disturbia.” Her labels would be Def Jam, Roc Nation, SRP, and Westbury Road. Rihanna motivates people with her music but sometimes her music can be really depressing. Some people see her as her role model because they have never seen her break down or have any problems with anybody. She is beautiful in and out because she always makes the best out of everything she doesn't let people bring her down with the words they say. She lets other people sing in her concerts and her face expressions are just the best because she thinks that they sing so nice. She helps out a lot of kids with disabilities and she goes back stage just to see them and give them advise. Sometimes she dedicates her concerts to some kids or adults that have disabilities or if they are not okay. 

Six Ways to Make People Like You

How to Win Friends and Influence People 

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By: Dale Carnegie

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
1. "Do this and you will be welcome anywhere."
2. "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." 
3. "Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering." 

What this rule means is that, not only talk about yourself when there are a bunch of people around. Ask questions about them just not about yourself. Encourage them to talk about themselves. If you encourage them to talk about themselves then you will learn something new about them. If you only talk about yourself then your friends might get bored and just won't want to be around you. Make people welcome and ask questions and they will feel that you truly want to be their friend. Not knowing something or anything about you "friend" doesn't make you guys friends. It doesn't make you guys friends because friends know things about each other. How I will apply this rule to myself is, I mean I think I already apply to this rule. I already apply to this rule because every time I meet someone new I ask them questions about themselves. After I ask them questions I tell them a little bit about myself. 

"If you want others to like you and develop real friendships keep this in mind become genuinely interested in other people!"

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Rule 2: Smile 
1. "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you." 
2. "You don't feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile." 
3. "It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends." 

Rule number two means to always have a smile in your face. Smiles could mean a lot to a person. When you smile to someone they usually smile back. Usually the rude people don't smile back and sometimes that is the reason why some people don't like them. For example, when people smile at me I usually smile back even if I am having a bad day. Having a smile on your face everyday can say a lot about you. Smiles tell either if you are mean or nice sometimes. Sometimes when you think that a person is mean and rude just because they didn't smile back and it turns out to be the opposite. Sometimes people don't have a reason to smile or they are just having a bad day. Smiles are warm and people enjoy them. In some occasions other smiles make others smiles as well. When babies laugh and smile it obviously makes you smile because they are just so cute and adorable. Always remember to smile even if you are having a bad day. Smiles make other people smile and when they see you frown they don't smile. Keep in mind that smiles is a daily routine.

"Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile." 

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Rule 3: Remember names 
1. "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language." 
2. "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble." 

What this rule is trying to say is that, remembering names is really important. Remembering names is really important because when you want to refer to a person you will call them by their name. Sometimes when people see that you don't remember their name they get offended. They get offended because they remember your name and you don't remember theirs. In some cases people don't get offended because they understand that you guys barely met and sometimes its hard to remember names and especially names that you haven't heard before. In addition sometimes people don't care what you call them as long as they have a name. People even tell you sometimes to call them a specific name or call them what you want to call the, in general what you find easy to remember. But you need to try your best to remember names because that is the most important thing to a person and that is how you make friends.

"Remember my name, remember my face, 'cause there ain't no other honey, that can take my place." 
-Roxy Quiksilver 

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Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. 
1. "If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
2. "Remember that the man that you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems." 

Rule number four may mean that, you could ask questions to the people you meet so they could say that you actually want to be friends with them and you want to get to know them. People usually love to talk about themselves when it comes to giving out information. For example, at school when it's your first day of school they ask you to share something interesting about you or something you want people to know about you. People don't usually talk about their problems or anything like that and if they do and they barely know you then they already trust you enough to let you know their problems. I will use this myself. I mean I already use it. When I meet someone new I usually talk about them not me and if they ask me about then I answer their questions. But I usually tell them to tell me about themselves. Sometimes people don't know what to say. When people don't know what to say it's because thy are shy or they believe that they don't have nothing interesting to say.

"Most of the successful people I've known are the ones that do more listening than talking." 
- Bernard Baruch 

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Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest. 
"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most." 

This rule means that, ask about the things that he likes to do. Or ask about what they care about the most. People love talking about what they love or like. It makes people happy when they talk about the things that make them happy which are the things they like. When people ask questions they are usually about the things they like because no one wants to hear the negative things about a person. Everything should be positive because positive vibes makes life better. For example when people want to get to know me I tell them the positive things not the negative things. If you talk about the negative things they won't know what to say or they will feel bad. I use this in my daily life because when I meet someone I ask about positive things not negative because then I feel bad or I don't know what to say. Positive vibes have to be around all the time because there is no time for negative ones.

"The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life." 
-William Morris 

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Rule 6: Make the other people feel important--and do it sincerely. 
"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic." 

The last rule of "ways to make people like you" means that, make people feel important which is don't say something negative that you know it's going to make them feel worthless or put them down. Every person out there should feel important. Everyone should feel important because everyone cares for each other. No one should ever feel unimportant because everyone cares but in their own ways. For example, when people give you lessons but scream at you and you feel unimportant it's not in that way because they are just doing that so you won't get hurt or anything like that. How I use this in my daily life is I tell people how I feel about them. Another way is that when I see them down I try to tell them cute things so they feel important because there is people who really do care a lot and have a big heart. Having a big heart makes people feel important. Never make people feel like they aren't important because you never know how they will feel or what their actions will be.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Medical School

New York University School of Medicine 

Name and Location: New York University School of Medicine (New York, NY) 

Admission Requirements: Completion of undergraduate study and a baccalaureate degree, must have attended an accredited college or university; courses taken outside approved colleges of liberal arts will not be credited toward admission requirements, consent to, admit to, and successfully pass a criminal background check through the AMCAS-facilitated criminal background check vendor, certiphi screening, possess physical and mental skills and abilities to successfully complete the NYU School of Medicine curriculum as listed in our technical standards.      

Tuition: Tuition at the New York University School of Medicine is approximately $51,060 for in state tuition. In state fees are $4,650. In state health insurance is $3,960. 

Degrees Offered: Medical Degree, Dual MD, Master's degree, MD PhD combined degree, graduate degree, residency and fellowships program, and continuing medical education.    

Areas of Study and Specialization: With more than 230 areas of study. Arts and Media, Business, Humanity and Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Education, and Health related fields, etc. 

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Reflection: Would you like to attend here? Why? Why not?
I would love to attend to NYU. I would love to attend NYU because my dream is to study in New York and also to study medicine. This has always been my dream since I was small. I want to study in a different country or state. Then after that I am done with my career I would love to come back to where I grew up and make a hospital to help people with needs and that don't really have that much money to pay for an expensive hospital. I would love to make my own hospital and help the people who need it and give cheap prices. My dream has always been to help people and make them feel better. That has always been my dream because I know how it feels to be sick. I want to save peoples lives as well. Medical Schools will always be my number one choice especially the ones in New York. I want to make my family and other people proud of me and prove some people wrong.